Science and Education

Keenly aware that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow, the Clore Israel Foundation has been an avid supporter of educational programmes and scholarship initiatives.

The Foundation attaches high priority to fostering excellence in the fields of science and technology, as well as to promoting equality of opportunity for the less advantaged in the community. This approach is reflected in its support of facilities and institutions across the entire educational spectrum, from pre-school through to university. Kindergartens, youth villages, math labs, English language centres and support for the advancement of women in science are among the Foundation’s sphere of contribution.

Some of the projects that the Foundation has supported in this area include:

  • Al Majd School, Nazareth – Math lab and training
  • Aloney Yitzhak Youth Village – Construction of new dormitory building and renovation of the kitchen
  • ALYN Hospital, Pediatric and Adolescent Rehabilitation Centre
  • Association for Education and Cultural Institutions in Or Yehuda – After-school enrichment activities for Ethiopian immigrant children
  • Bat Yam Leisure and Sports Company – Clore Day-Care Centre
  • Ben-Gurion University – Chaim Herzog Centre for Middle East Studies and Diplomacy
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Abba Eban Centre for Israeli Diplomacy
  • Israel Scouts Movement –Expansion of the Israeli Scouts Garin Re’im programme
  • Israel Youth Award
  • Sir Charles Clore Library, Ramot – Construction of the library
  • Dekalim School for Autistic Children, French Hill
  • JELLY (Jerusalem English Language Library for Youth)
  • Neve Hadassah Youth Village – Construction of a new dormitory building
  • Burma Street, Tel Aviv – Kindergartens
  • Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center – Establishment of Molecular Biology Unit